Our Vision

To have a qualitative national system of education that will be producing quality graduates for sustainable national development.

Our Mission

To advocate for more funding to the education sector, provide policy input to government, promote accountability in the utilization of resources in the education sector, promote and protect integrity of examinations in the country and promote welfare of teachers and learners in Zambia, in order to realize provision of quality education in Zambia.

Our Values

Political neutrality, volunteerism, transparency and accountability, democracy, national service, equality, equity, proactivity and responsiveness.


National Action for Quality Education in Zambia [NAQEZ] was formed in 2014 but legally registered [ORS/102/35/5502] with Registrar of Societies on 20th February, 2015.On 23rd July, 2015, the organization was officially launched by Dr.Micheal Kaingu,then Minister of Eduaction.NAQEZ was formed by Zambians from different persuasions for the purpose of helping government to improve the poor standards of education in the Zambia.

Today, NAQEZ is the leading promoter of quality education in Zambia. It has a Board of Governors, a dynamic National Executive Committee [Secretariat], and very hardworking Provincial and District Coordinators. The outfit also boasts of hundreds of patriotic and paid up member in almost all the 116 districts of Zambia.

NAQEZ has a standard financial system in place, up to date audited financial reports, a code of ethics and a clear Gender and HIV Policy and a Media policy.

Being a national organization, NAQEZ has strong working relationships with more than 95 Radio stations, more than 16 TV Stations, 8 Newspapers, more than 30 online publications and uses various social media platforms to communicate to its Officers and the general public. This feat has made NAQEZ a reliable and influential civil society organization in Zambia.

Organizational Profile for 2015-2020
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Organizational Profile for 2020-2025
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Objectives of NAQEZ

  1. To advocate for more funding to the education sector to enable provision of quality and inclusive education in Zambia.
  2. To advocate for civic participation in promoting good governance in educational institutions and accountability in utilizations of funds in the education sector.
  3. To conduct researches and surveys on various factors affecting delivery of quality education in the country.
  4. To provide policy input to government on educational matters
  5. To promote the welfare of teachers and learners in Zambia
  6. To promote literacy activities in Zambia
  7. To advocate for more teaching and learning materials in schools
  8. To promote and protect integrity of examinations in Zambia NAQEZ– Promoting Quality Education in Zambia
  9. To engage school going children and citizens on human rights,environmental protection and climate change
  10. To sensitize school going children on the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse.